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This story is to talk about the beginning period of time, or further future.
A human cannot survive alone, and its existence becomes meaningless without each other.
All are born alone but are bound to seek for each other after all.

Alone Preview

Alone (2010)
2D animation
12min 9sec
이용선 Lee YongSun
key animation & layout & background
윤중현 Yoon JoongHyun
edit & visual effecter
주재희 Joo JaeHee
storyboard & key animation
전성수 Jun SungSoo
key animation
송하나 Song HaNa
music & sound
지준석 Ji JoonSeok
2011 시카프 공식경쟁
2011 대단한 영화제 공식경쟁
2011 인디애니페스트 상영
2012 애니갤러리 상영
2012 스페인 Madimation 페스티벌 초청
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